Welcome to “Coastal Connections,” a unique podcast series recorded high above the shimmering waves on the iconic Pacific Wheel at Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier. Join us each month for candid conversations between two individuals who play vital roles in the vibrant tapestry of Santa Monica. In this relaxed and unhosted podcast, […]
Tag: About Us
On May 26th, 1996, Santa Monicans took their first rides at Pacific Park. Following an unprecedented year for amusement parks and entertainment destinations, Pacific Park is reflecting on a quarter-century of operation on the Santa Monica Pier. After an unprecedented 13-month closure, the Pacific Wheel is once again turning over the crashing waves of the […]
The amusement park on the Santa Monica Pier opened their rides for the first time on May 26th, 1996. All this month, Pacific Park is remembering the highlights from a quarter-century of fun on the Pier during a month-long anniversary commemoration. Follow Pacific Park on Twitter and Facebook to see archival photos and learn about […]
Learn the history behind the iconic Santa Monica Pier sign. You’d be hard pressed to find anything more identified with the City of Santa Monica than the Santa Monica Pier Sign. It is to Santa Monica what the Golden Arches are to McDonald’s, the Empire State Building is to New York, the Eiffel Tower is […]