The Venice fishing pier located south of the Santa Monica Pier has a planned re-opening for summer. The concrete fishing Pier on Venice Beach was closed in 2018 following an electrical fire that damaged wooden portions of the Pier structure. The City of Los Angeles Board of Recreation and Parks approved a 4.3 million dollar […]
Tag: Media Alerts
It’s the Ferris wheel seen ‘round the world’ and it could be all yours for your next production. Since releasing guidance for film production in June, FilmLA reports that they have issued over 1,200 film permit applications from nearly 1,000 unique projects. While these numbers represent just half the volume reported a year earlier, the […]
Santa Monica Shines COVID-19 Assurance Program Brightens The Experience At Participating Businesses; Pledge and Safety Assurance Seals Awarded Santa Monica Travel & Tourism (SMTT) created the Santa Monica Shines COVID-19 Assurance Program this past summer to helps businesses display their commitment to public safety during the coronavirus pandemic by earning the Santa Monica Shines Assurance […]
Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier announces guidelines for guests planning a visit to the Park. Recent Information On January 10th, the City of Santa Monica announced updated hours for the Santa Monica Pier and discourages visitors from crowding on the Pier. The Pier will be open on weekdays only for limited hours for […]