Tag: In the Community

As part of California Restaurant Month, Scoops Ice Cream and Treats is participating in Santa Monica Restaurant week, January 6-12, 2020. Come in and try our Kumquat Caramel Date Ice Cream and share your experience on social media using #SMRestaurantWeek for a chance to wine a $500 dining gift certificate.   Santa Monica Restaurant Week […]

It’s a glorious Saturday night in Santa Monica. What’s kickin’ for your evening entertainment? If it’s summer and you’re looking for something different, you won’t have to search far. Summers on the Santa Monica Pier are hopping with tunes, but this time, they’re the silent type.   The Santa Monica Pier Silent Disco, also known […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and with that there are many events nationwide to help support these initiatives. On Saturday October 26th there will be a walk at the Santa Monica Pier, called Making Strides of Santa Monica. The walk is open for all ages to register, with the proceeds going towards the American [...]